Friday, January 27, 2017

1/27/17: GDP & GNP

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    • Total value of all final goods & services produced within a country's borders in a given year.
    • Includes all production or income earned within the U.S by U.S & foreign producers.
    • Excludes production outside the U.S even by Americans.
  • Gross National Product (GNP)
    • Total value of all goods & services produced by Americans in a given year.
    • Includes production or income earned by Americans anywhere in the world. 
    • Excludes production by Americans even in the U.S
  • GDP
    • C + Ig + G + Xn
  • Consumption
    • Purchases of goods & services (final)
    • 67% of economy
  • Ig (Gross Private Domestic Investment)
    • Construction of new housing, new factory equipment, factory equipment maintenance, unsold inventory of products built in a year.
    • 17% of economy
  • G (Government Spending)
    • 18% of economy
      • ex) school buses, highways

  • Xn (Net Exports)
    • Exports - Imports
    • -2% of economy
  • Included in GDP-
    1. C
    2. Ig
    3. G
    4. Xn
  • Excluded from GDP-
    1. Intermediate goods (avoid double or multiple counting)
    2. Used or secondhand goods (avoid double counting)
    3. Unreported business activities (tips)
    4. Stocks & bonds
    5. Non-market activity
    6. Illegal Activities (underground/black market- prostitution, drugs)
    7. Gifts or transferred payments (public or private) ex- scholarships, social security, unemployment.
  • Stocks & Bonds
    • Purely financial transaction, nothing is being produced.
  • Net Domestic Product
    • GDP - Depreciation 
  • Net National Product
    • GNP - Depreciation
  • Depreciation
    • Loss of value of capital equipment due to normal wear & tear.
  • Gross Investment
    • Net Investment + Depreciation
  • GNP
    • GDP + Net foreign factor payment
  • Net Exports
    • Exports - Imports

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