Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4/17: Balance of Payments

  • Balance of Payments-
    • Measure of money inflows and outflows between the United State and the Rest of The World (ROW.)
      • Inflows are referred to as DEBITS
      • Outflows are referred to as DEBITS
  • The Balance of Payments is divided into 3 accounts
    • Current Account
    • Capital/Financial Account
    • Official Reserves Account
  • Current Account-
    • Balance of Trade or Net Exports
      • Exports of goods/services- import of goods/services
      • Exports create a credit to the balance of payments
      • Imports create a debit to the balance of payments
    • Net Foreign Income
      • Income earned by the U.S owned foreign assets- income paid to foreign held U.S assets.
        • Ex)Interest payments on U.S owned Brazilian bonds- interest payments on German owned U.S treasury bonds.
    • Net Transfers (tend to be unilateral)
      • Foreign Aid- A debit to the current account.
        • Ex) Mexican migrant workers send money to family in Mexico.
  • Capital/Financial Account-
    • Balance of capital ownership
    • Includes the purchase of both real & financial assets
    • Direct investment in the United States is a credit to the Capital Account.
      • Ex) Toyota factory in San Antonio
    • Direct investment by U.S firms/individuals in a foreign country are debits to the Capital Account.
      • Ex) Intel factory in San Jose, Costa Rica
    • Purchase of foreign financial assets represents a debit to the Capital Account.
      • Ex) Warren Buffet buys stocks in Petrochina
    • Purchase of domestic financial assets by foreigners.
      • The United Arab Emirates sovereign wealth fund purchases a large stake in the NASDAQ.
  • Official Reserves-
    • Foreign currency holdings of the U.S Federal Reserve System.
    • When there is a balance of payments surplus, the Fed accumulates foreign currency & debits the balance of payments.
    • When there is a balance of payments deficit, the Fed depletes its reserves of foreign currency & credits the balance of payments.
    • The official reserves zero out the balance of payments.
  1. Balance of Trade-
    • Net Exports Formula: Exports (-) Imports
  2. Balance of Goods-
    • Goods Exports + Service Exports (-) Goods Imports + Service Imports
  3. Balance on Current Account-
    • Balance of goods & services + Net Investments + Net Transfers
  4. Balance on Capital Account-
    • Domestic/Foreign Purchase
  5. Official Reserves-
    • Current Accounts (+, -) + Capital Account (-, +) = 0 (theoretically)

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