Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1/4/17: Factors of Production & PPG

Factors of Production & Production Possibilities Graphs
Factors of Production-
  1. Land- Natural resources
  2. Labor- Work exerted
  3. Capital-
    1. Human Capital: When people acquire skills & knowledge through experience & education.
    2. Physical Capital: Money, tools, buildings, equipment & machinery.
  4. Entrepreneurship- Risk taker, innovative.

  • Trade-offs: Alternative that we sacrifice when we make a decision.
    • Scarcity leads to trade-offs.
  • Opportunity Cost: Most desirable alternative given up as a result of a decision.
  • Guns are Butter: Phrase; refers to tradeoffs that the government makes when choosing to produce more or less military or consumer goods.
  • Thinking at the Margins: Deciding whether to add or subtract one additional unit of some resource.
  • Production Possibilities Graph (PPG): Shows an economies’ ways to use economic resources.
  • Efficiency: Using resources tin such a way to maximize the production of goods & services.
    • Increases Profits
  • Underutilization: Opposite of efficiency; leads to decrease in profit.
    • Using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using.

Four Key Assumptions (about PPG)-
  1. Only two goods can be produced
  2. Full employment of resources
  3. Fixed resources (factors of production)
  4. Fixed technology

3 Types of Movements That Occur Within the PPG-
  1. Inside the PPG
  2. Along the PPG
  3. Shifts of the PPG

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