Monday, March 20, 2017

3/20/17: Money

  • The Barter System
    • Goods & services are traded directly. There is no money exchanged.
  • What is Money?
    • Anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods & services.
    • Money is NOT the same as wealth & income.
    • Wealth is a total collection of assets that store value.
    • Income is a flow off earnings per unit of time.
  • Money Can Be Used as a
    1. Medium of Exchange
      • Buy goods & services 
    2. Unit of Account
      • Measuring the value of goods & services
    3. Store of Value 

  • 3 Types of Money
    • Representative Money
      • Money that represents something of value
      • IOU's
    • Commodity Money
      • Something that performs the function of money & has alternative uses.
      • Salt, gold, silver & cigarettes
    • Fiat Money
      • Money because government says so
      • Coins, paper money
  • Six Characteristics of Money
    1. Durable
    2. Portability
    3. Divisibility
    4. Uniformity
    5. Limited Supply
    6. Acceptability

  • 3 Types of Money Supply
    • Liquidity
      • Ease with which an asset can be accessed and converted into cash (liquidized)
    1. M1 (high liquidity)- 
      • Coins, currency, and checks 
      • Personal & corporate checking accounts which are the largest components of M1.
      • In general, this is the money supply
    2. M2 (medium liquidity)-
      • M1 plus savings deposits (money market accounts)
      • Time deposits (CD's: Certificates of deposit)
    3. M3 (low liquidity)-
      • M2 plus time deposits above $100k

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